The Nine Signs You Need To Be Exercising More Says a Personal Trainer

Getting regular exercise is an indispensable part of living a healthy and happy life. Of course, the business and distractions of modern life mean that exercising regularly is often a tall order. Determining whether or not you are working out enough can also be tricky. Fortunately, it turns out that there are certain signs you aren't exercising enough.

Here are the nine big warning signs to be aware of. 

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1. You get bad sleep.

Exercise gets rid of pent-up energy and relieves stress and other negative emotions, setting you up for a good night's sleep. As little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as walking or cycling, can dramatically improve the quality of your nighttime sleep, especially when done on a regular basis. What’s more, exercise may reduce your risk for developing troublesome sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. If your sleep is poor it may be time to start moving your body more!


2. You have lots of aches and pains.

Your body needs to move to function as it should. A sedentary lifestyle is bad for your joints and muscles. Stiff, tight areas of your body will benefit from exercise. Weak, inadequate muscles can also cause pain. Are you sitting more in your at home work set-up? Watching more Netflix than usual? Have you seen an increase in lower back pain? Start moving! Give this mobility workout a try! I promise you will feel better!


3. You get out of breath easily.

Walking up the stairs and getting winded? Getting off the floor making you winded? If you find yourself out of breath during non-demanding, everyday activities, you are probably out of shape. Your cardiovascular system needs some work and you need to start slow to keep at it and get results. If you go too hard, you’ll burn out and hate it. Get help from a personal trainer! You can book a call for a free consult.


4. You are feeling blue.

While downbeat feelings are a part of life and can have many different causes (like a pandemic or being socially isolated), insufficient exercise can certainly be a source. Working out is a key part of finding happiness. Exercise triggers the natural release of endorphins, the brain chemicals connected to positive emotions.


5. You are constantly stressed and anxious.

High stress levels and unhealthy, sedentary habits are closely connected. Working out is a natural stress reliever and mood booster. Again, exercise directly results in the release of chemicals such as dopamine that cause feelings of calm and happiness. You have to find the balance though because too much high intensity exercise can have the opposite effect. Book a free call with us to figure out what’s the right path for you.


6. You get sick a lot. Working out provides a major boost to your body's immune system, thereby reducing your chances of falling ill. Exercise triggers the release of millions of pathogen fighting immune cells into the bloodstream. Exercise also reduces inflammation in the body, which further enhances the immune system.


7. You are constipated.

Getting moving can get you digestive tract moving as well. Exercise promotes healthy bowel movements by directing blood flow to organs, stimulating your intestinal muscles to contract. Working out also relieves stress, which can relieve constipation.


8. You don't have much energy.

Feeling tired might seem like it would be caused by exercise, but in fact the reverse is often true. Your body responds positively to healthy living. Getting moving gets you energized, banishing feelings of fatigue and low energy levels and help you get through the day and think more clearly.


9. You are gaining weight.

While how much you weigh is more a matter of your nutrition than anything else, your level of physical activity certainly plays a factor. Working out burns up calories, so adding on extra pounds could mean you are in need of more exercise.


As you can see, all of the major signs you aren't exercising enough are also unpleasant in their own right. This fact points to how important exercise is to living a good, healthy life. Don't think about working out as miserable chore -- instead, remember that doing it regularly will make your life much better.


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