Creating a safe space for everyone to get strong.
Our Story
Studio ME is more than just another gym, studio, or place to workout. It’s a fitness family, a community of people coming together to support each other crush their health and fitness goals.
Our Story
Back in 2014 Megan Cooper opened Studio ME Fitness with a passion to help people find the most confident version of themselves and live their best life. As a previous athlete that let my career and life events take priority, I know what it’s like to constantly feel exhausted, overwhelmed, shameful of my body, comparing it to what I used to look like at 20 years old, and being fearful of not knowing what tomorrow will bring.
I went into college with a desire to be a dentist and with the heavy course load and juggling a tennis scholarship, I just got burnt out. I was either on the tennis court, in the gym, or in the library until all hours of the night. I started getting injured my senior year from pulled muscles, to overuse injuries. My body was failing me. I was too naive to know it, then but this was the definition of over-training.
But I couldn’t stop. Sports were my life. They defined me. It filled my time and was my primary focus for so many years. And then one day it was just gone.
After college I finally found my way into a career I loved working for a mission to help save the lives of those dealing with leukemia and lymphoma. My whole life to this point was about being better and doing more which that translated very well to a career.
I had the drive to learn, to work all hours of the night to get ahead to move up the corporate ladder. While the responsibilities and stress at work built, so did things in my personal life. I found myself with bad eating habits and, well, I was still in my 20s so I was going out and drinking a lot still acting like I was still working out 3 hrs a day, seven days a week. Let’s just say that caught up with me. I soon began to dislike how I looked and felt.
The thought of working out was buried deep within as something I craved and truly missed but I couldn’t find the motivation to get started. I was so use to having my team and a set schedule. I tried box gyms only to find I was spending more time in the cafe than on the floor working out. I decided that wasn’t working so I tried a couple bootcamps and finally found a small group fitness studio that clicked.
That place reignited my fire to be active and I didn’t have to do it alone. It was so hard and I was so sore at first but it just became part of my daily routine. I would wake up, workout, come home get ready and go to work. Rinse and repeat the next day. Slowly seeing changes in my mood, energy and my body. I felt great!
Soon after, I received the devastating news that my older sister at the age of 26 was diagnosed with stage IV Rectal Cancer and that it had spread to her liver. With my education and line of work, I knew nothing good was ahead. We had no family history and my sister was active like me for most of her life so how could this be?
I was now surrounded by cancer in my career and personal life. During this time it would have been easy to quit my workout routine. I was waking up early, driving 15 mins working out for an hour, going to work for 8+ hours, eating dinner and going to bed. How was I going to keep doing that when I needed to be there for my sister, her husband and my parents? That was the moment I knew that I had to be strong and healthy for my family and that in order for me to be there for them I needed to be there for myself.
It was SO hard and there were so many times I wanted to quit but the constant battle of knowing that a healthy lifestyle can make a difference kept me waking up at 5am to get my ass kicked every day. I could feel the strength and courage it gave me every day and I had no choice but to keep going. How could I give up on myself and my health when I was asking my sister to fight for hers.
I can honestly say that exercise is what helped me survive that year and half. I was able to take 1 hour a day to forget about how shitty life was and that my sister was fighting tooth and nail for hers. Knowing that she may not be my maid of honor at my wedding that fall and most importantly that she may not make it through this.
That 1 hour a day made all the difference in my mental health and emotional state.
It helped me gain the confidence I needed to take all those feelings and face them head on to take action for myself and my family.
That was the reason I became a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and business owner.
I was on a mission to help others find their confidence to feel in control of just one thing in a world of chaos and unknown.
To help them rewrite their journey so they are never stuck in a place of fear and paralyzed to take action.
To find their inner strength!
After realizing that I could help so many more people and do so much more for the community I opened Studio ME Fitness.
A safe place for all to challenge themselves, to fail and learn from it, and do it in a safe space to become even better and stronger.
A place where we can escape reality for 45 mins to focus on ourselves.
A place of support and community.
A place where we can make our bodies and minds strong and resilient so we can live our best, most vibrant life.
A place that we can call our fitness home.
I opened Studio ME fitness based on a passion I had for fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I was tired of what I was seeing in the group fitness scene; large classes, poor instruction and the same old boring workouts. I wanted to bring something new, something fun, something that was low impact and focused on helping people move better, feel better and live better.
Our Promise
Promote a healthy lifestyle
It’s hard to find time to work out and eat right in today’s busy world, so that is why most of our sessions are 45 minutes. You will get the most “bang for your buck” in these short, action-packed workouts.
Improve activities of everyday living
The equipment we use with our clients focus on strength, resistance and cardiovascular training. We spend the majority of our day sitting behind a desk typing on a computer so we focus our training on counteracting the side effects sitting all day. Our training methodology reduces the chance of injury, increases stability, body awareness, and flexibility. No matter your age or ability you will find a program that’s right for you.
Create a family environment
Studio ME is more than a place to workout. You will get to know your coaches and fellow members. It’s not just about working out, but making friends in the process. Having a fitness family is powerful and can help you stay on top of your fitness goals.
Have fun!
Working out doesn’t have to be a chore. We know it can be intimidating and the first thing to go when you get busy. We promise to make each session fun, exciting and challenging all while getting you closer to your goals. Not only will you love your workouts here you will be craving more!
We Know Fitness
We are constantly working to improve our knowledge as personal trainers, and we have a long list of certifications from the industries most respected fitness training programs. You can be confident in our ability to not only get you in shape, but to do it in a safe and effective way.
Get started today with a free call to see if we’re a good fit.
Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you to learn more about your goals and see if we’re a good fit.
If we’re a good fit, we’ll set-up a no commitment, FREE 60 minute private training Discovery Session. Together, we’ll create a custom plan to meet your goals.