Getting Stronger Together

Small Group Training

Get in the best shape of your life with a personalized plan to reach your goals in just 45 min, 2x or 3x a week.

Gaining weight, in pain, and don’t know what to do?

Running from one meeting to the next? Trying to fit in family time and can’t imagine fitting a workout into your routine?

Feeling overwhelmed, out of shape, and stressed?

There is a better and smarter way to train that will fit your schedule with our bootcamp program in NE Minneapolis. Say goodbye to traditional lifting and say hello to results with our ME Method!

Too many programs are cookie cutter, requiring hours in the gym that you just don’t have. They leave you feeling beat up, burnt out, and injured.

Our small group bootcamp program is different from what you will find with other bootcamp programs and at other group fitness classes at studios and gyms. We believe there is a better way for people over thirty years old to do fitness. We offer a more intelligent, sustainable, longer-term approach that allows you to live life to the fullest, well into your senior years. You don’t have to beat yourself up to get results!

You will become stronger, leaner, have more energy to be a better parent, partner, and leader/coworker.

You’ll finally feel confident in your ability to control your health.

Our Process

At Studio ME, we get it. There are so many programs and resources out there that you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Leave it to the experts. We can get you on a fast track to achieving your goals.

We specialize in helping people over 40 live a fulfilling and active lifestyle. Life is better when we are active and moving without pain.

You’ll receive:

Personalized group program that will leave you strong, flexible, and pain free. You’ll learn how to exercise smarter and not harder. If you love group classes but need more accountability and structure then look no further! We’ll help you prioritize your ME Time so it fits into your life.

Dedicated coach to guide you on your journey, keep you accountable, and prioritize your workouts so you can finally feel good in your own skin and live your life to the fullest.

Support and accountability to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Our clients see big results

Finally take control of your health and live the life you were meant to live.

You can be confident in your ability to not only get you in shape, but to do it in a safe and effective way. Get started today!

1. Schedule a Consult

We'll start with an honest chat to understand you, your history, and your goals. 

2. Complete 1 Month Foundations Program

We’ll get you ready to join the group. You’ll join us 2x/week for one month and learn to navigate the gym, equipment, and proper form. After a month we’ll complete a new baseline assessment and you’ll graduate to the small group.

3. Show Up and Get Results

Pick your time slot and away you go! With regular check-ins, showing up for every training session, we’ll jumpstart your health and fitness, get you moving better, eating better, and living your best life.

Meet 2 days (Tuesday and Thursdays) or 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’s)!

5:45 - 6:35AM - 4 spots available

6:45 - 7:35AM - 3 spots available

5:10 - 6:00 PM - 6 spots available

6:10 - 7:00 PM - 6 spots available

Get started today with a free call to see if we’re a good fit.

Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you to learn more about your goals and see if we’re a good fit.

If we’re a good fit, we’ll set-up a no commitment, FREE 60 min tour where we’ll show you around, chat about your goals and, together, we’ll create a custom plan to meet your goals.