Holiday Survival Workouts
The holidays are no time to stop exercising! We know! It's a busy and stressful time of year but that's not an excuse to let your fitness routine fall by the way side. We're here to help you!
Exercise, nutrition and rest not only helps prevent weight gain, they also fight the stress and anxiety that commonly accompanies this time of year.
When we exercise, eat right and get plenty of rest, our bodies actually produce hormones called catecholamines that help elevate our mood and fight off stress, depression and anxiety. Conversely, when we take our physical bodies for granted, our body actually produces cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone and it can lead to increases in fat production and storage as well as stress levels.
It is possible to become extremely busy over the holiday season. But being busy is no reason to be unhealthy. Below are 4 workouts that you can do anywhere, anytime. All of the workouts are designed to take 15-20 minutes and only use the best piece of workout equipment: Your Body.
Perform the following exercises in circuit format completing one exercise after another with minimal rest. Follow the work-to-rest ratios as closely as possible. The first number is the amount of seconds you will exercise. The second number is the rest time. Therefore a 30/15 represents 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest. During the rest time you will prepare for the next exercise. Perform as many rounds as possible in 15-20 minutes. Each time the workout is completed, the work-to-rest ratio changes slightly to increase results. Be sure to make a note of the changes.
4 Fast, Fat-Blasting Bodyweight Workouts
Let us know how the workouts go!