How I lost my COVID Weight-I needed a change!
Meet Leslie. Leslie has been a member with us for over three years. She has always been a bootcamp participant until just recently. See when the pandemic hit and we were working out at home, the virtual workouts were tough for her. It was getting harder and harder to show up and stay committed. Sound familiar?
Leslie is on the left. Piril on the right. They both went through the 12 week program together. AKA Workout buddies!
Leslie knew she needed to do something. She needed to make a change so she reached out to see what she could do.
We talked. We got real and this girl committed! Yes, it is a financial commitment, a time commitment but DAMN this girl did it! In just three short months Lesile lost over 15lbs and changed some unhealthy habits that she picked up during COVID and changed her body! She is back on track and I can’t wait to see her continued progress towards her goals. Let’s hear it from Leslie!
“Honestly I am kind of bummed its done.” See when you spend 5 days/week with the same people and coaches, you form a pretty cool bond. It becomes part of your routine. Leslie isn’t the only one that felt this way after completing our 12 week program. It’s pretty cool! Let’s get back to Leslie’s story…
“I'm going to be honest: I started ME12 without any real goals except to leave the house in a safe environment during the pandemic. But, I can agree on this: it was a great experience!
I started out at StudioME in the evening bootcamp on a whim to try to get a bit more fit before my wedding. Now, three years later, I'm still here! I've made so many great friends and loved the in-studio experience. However, once the pandemic hit, I got stuck in a rut.
Going to virtual bootcamp was HARD. I quickly learned that online workouts were not made for me and definitely started slacking off. Eventually, I reached out to Megan to ask what other options that was currently available (that could be more in person following my vaccination!), and went for the jugular: ME12.
Of course, the intensity of the program did intimidate me. But, in this time of madness, I think this was exactly what I needed.
A program I could depend on, do every day, and see results. And did I! “
“I lost over 15lbs (seeya, covid weight gain!) And gained more muscle than I've ever had before. 20-minute rows no longer intimidate me, and I think I've officially become someone who likes to work out! I'm excited to see what next steps my body can do and continue the progress with some great friends and coaches in a great studio.“
My favorite part, “ I officially became someone who likes to workout.” Those words have never come out of her month until now!!!
Leslie we are so dang proud of you!
You too, can get results and you don’t have to do it alone. We have another round of our 12 week program - ME12 starting Sept 20th and, as we move into our new space, are offering up TWO spots (technically 4) with BOGO 1/2 off pricing. That’s Buy One Get One Half Off! Grab a loved one or a friend and join us for 12 weeks and guaranteed results!
Interested? Book a call with us to learn more.