#1 factor for long-term fitness success?

There could be many topics around this subject that we could debate, but I’m going to share with you what I think it the #1 thing that separates those who succeed in fitness, fat loss, and health long term (the 5%) and those who don’t (the 95%).


And it’s so simple you might be shocked…


It’s simply the mindset of doing it anyway.


Look…you’ve heard me talk before about how human DNA sets you up to avoid discomfort and change.


But in the modern day where you’re no longer hunting and gathering food or being chased by wild animals on the regular, you’ve just got to make choices that go against that biology. J


The truth is that many chronically fit people don’t feel like working out. They’d rather eat the pizza. They’d prefer to sleep in. They might love a beer or soda instead of water.


But chronically fit people don’t wanna…but they do it anyway.


Because everything we do is a choice.


Want to be healthier, leaner, fitter, and more confident?




Just stop giving into the voice that says “I don’t wanna!!”



There’s your key for long-term success! What are your thoughts? I’d love for you to hit reply and share!


Megan, Owner Studio ME


P.S. If you’re ready to step into action, simply call or email us and let me know so we can have a quick chat about your next steps.

Phone: 612.656.9306

email: contact@studiomefitness.com


Challenge your beliefs


Be The Change!