News & Knowledge

Sami Poindexter Sami Poindexter

Plan for the inevitable

Raise your hand if you have ever started the week with the best of intentions to eat healthy and then find that your intentions were thwarted by “unexpected” work/school/kid obligations. 

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Sami Poindexter Sami Poindexter

Are you a distracted eater?

Do you eat while watching TV? Working? Driving? Solving the daily Wordle? 

Then you might be a distracted eater.

So what is the #1 thing you can do to improve your nutrition (and life generally)? 

Eat mindfully.

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Sami Poindexter Sami Poindexter

What are macros anyway?

Why bother tracking macros?

For folks new to tracking food or keeping a food diary, learning the ratio of macros in what you consume can tell you a lot about your food choices. 

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