You can’t change what you don’t know.Why tracking will help you get results.
Tip #1: Keep a food diary or track your food.
According to Harvard Health, “A food diary can be a useful tool in this process. It can help you understand your eating habits and patterns, and help you identify the foods — good and not-so-good — you eat on a regular basis. Research shows that for people interested in losing weight, keeping a journal can be a very effective tool to help change behavior. In one weight loss study of nearly 1,700 participants, those who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who kept no records.”
Get started with tracking:
Keep a physical journal/diary or use a notes app to keep track of what, how much, and when you eat. Check out the article from Harvard Health for more info on keeping a food diary.
Use an app. There are SO many apps out there that can help you track your food intake. Find one that works for you and doesn’t create stress about how many calories you consume.
Share it with your Studio ME coach! Did you know that the app that we use to create your workouts has a food tracker? You input your meals and the tracker will calculate your macros. Plus, your coach can easily access your tracker and help you make better informed food choices. Ask your coach today about using the Coach Me Plus nutrition feature.
Want a deeper dive into tracking or more support for building healthy habits? Good news! The next round of our 12-Week Nutrition Program starts on March 13th. Join now before it’s full