News & Knowledge
Not sure what to do for exercise? Free workouts not cutting it? Gaining weight?
Most people quit a workout shortly after starting it. You’ll find some tips on how to start a program and stick with it and FINALLY GET RESULTS!
Shift from surviving to living. How to stay healthy during COVID-19
The pandemic has forced us to transition quickly to a completely homebound life. We have experienced changes in our routines and eating habits as our shopping habits and physical activity levels have had to shift drastically.
Is it safe to go the gym when it re-opens? Here are some things to make sure your gym has in place before returning.
Just because gyms/studios/clubs are re-opening, it doesn’t mean its safe to go.
You keep telling yourself the world will re-open in 2’s been 8!
It’s time to be honest with yourself and start to accept that this is our new normal and start to figure out what the new normal looks like FOR YOU!
It’s not that hard...but it’s really hard!
Life is busier than it’s ever been. We are more addicted to bad foods than ever before. We have
an overabundance of food for the first time in human history. It’s easier than it’s ever been to
get by in a sedentary lifestyle.
Rules. Throw them out the window or keep them?
Nothing is certain in this world, except for me. My actions. What I choose. How I choose to show up each day!