News & Knowledge
Watch your portion size with these 4 foods
Todays diet trends have us eating way fewer carbs and too much fat in our diets AND NOT ENOUGH PROTEIN. If you are trying to lose weight or hit that PR in the gym you need to look at your macros (protein, fats and carbs) and making sure that they are balanced.
Deadlift Variations with Kettlebells and Factors that affect them
Deadlifts are a fantastic exercise and are important to have in our training routine but if not done correctly can do more harm.
Squatting Variations and the Benefits to Each
Why do we use different types of squats in our classes? What are they and what are the benefits of each?
7 Reasons Why A Personal Trainer May be Your Secret Weapon
When it comes to fitness, a coach can be your personal guide to success, and your secret weapon. There are so many benefits to having a personal coach. I would go so far as to say that coaching is a prerequisite for achievement. Period!!!