We are Open for private 1-on-1 Personal Training and Small Group Training

Our #1 goal is always the safety of our clients and we will not put our business ahead of that. EVER!

Gyms were allowed to open on June 10th at 25% capacity. Now, for us, that is only two other people a studio with a fitness coach for 1-on-1 personal training and small group training so we are limited on what we can safely bring back in-person indoors.

We will continue to offer virtual classes for the foreseeable future and will be adding in more outdoor classes as weather permits.

You will see our Client Guidelines below as well as our full procedure for in house procedures. It is VERY thorough and our wellness check goes above and beyond the requirements.

Client Guidelines

Last Updated 6.11.2020

Client in-person requirements:

There will be at minimum a 30 min gap between classes/sessions to allow for proper cleaning and sanitization. Masks are REQUIRED at all times!

Studio ME reserves the right to refuse entry to the studio if the client has traveled, not signed the waiver, has a temperature or showing any signs of illness. If you have returned to the studio and show any signs of illness notify Megan right away at megan@studiomefitness.com or call 612-656-9306.

Prior to entry:

  1. Each member must virtually sign “Waiver to return to the studio".

  2. Each member is responsible for informing Studio ME of any and ALL travel. 

  3. Wear a mask to and from Studio ME. If outdoors, you can remove it once we get started. If working out indoors you are not required to wear it during your session. The coach will have a mask on.

  4. Each person and staff must complete a Wellness Check. Each person will receive a compulsory temperature check prior to entry, pulse oximeter reading and questionnaire completed

    • If you have a fever you will be asked to leave.

    • If your pulse oximeter reading is 80% or lower you will be asked to leave and encouraged to seek medical attention.

    • If you have any symptoms, you will be asked to leave. To make this easier stay home and complete a virtual session if you are unsure. 


  1. Optional PPE will be made available for all members. 

  2. Must wash your hands upon entry.

  3. Must clean the bottom of your shoes or leave your shoes at Studio ME.

  4. We are going “Touch Free”. The coach will check you in if you are taking a class. 

  5. You must pick out all equipment prior to the start of class/session.

  6. Find your designated exercise location and stay there.

During class/1-on-1 session:

  1. You will be assigned a designated area to work out. You must stay in that area during the class/session. The coach will also have their assigned area.

  2. You must not share any equipment.

  3. You must provide your own towel that you will bring with you and take home after each class. This is for the safety of our coaches.

Post Class:

  1. Must thoroughly clean all equipment after use with approved cleaning supplies provided by Studio ME.

  2. Sanitize your hands and discard any trash outside of the studio. 

  3. Leave the studio in an orderly fashion allowing for social distancing and take everything with you that you came with.

  4. The studio will be sanitized by staff in between each class. and a cleaning crew at the end of the night.

Thank you for doing your part as we safely start to re-open our doors. 

Studio ME has the right to refuse entry based on results of any of these items. The Wellness Check is not to be used as a diagnosis tool. If a client refuses any of these steps ask them to leave. If they do not leave, call Megan immediately. 

Online Resources 


If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We’ll see you soon either virtually, in outdoor classes, or in the studio in a 1-on-1 setting.




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